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Ariana Contreras Story.

Family Wins Battle Against AZ Department of Education

Susana Foster Story.

Navajo families grateful to Governor/Legislature for saving their children.

Unity Meeting Between Arizona Police and Black Leaders.

EVERY K12 kid in AZ can use this same education program! Watch this family’s incredible story! After facing several challenges, state-funded ESAs have opened up new learning opportunities for their kids! 

Universal ESAs are crucial to tens of thousands of Arizona families! When hard times hit, these parents were able to get the help they needed to keep their son in a school where he’s thriving. EVERY Arizona K12 student qualifies, apply at the AZ Dept. of Education today!

Robert Baca’s Story.

Father Demands School Choice After Kids Start Failing From Distance Learning

Watch an Arizona mom’s touching story as she talks about a family tragedy and how Empowerment Scholarship Accounts have helped her provide education opportunities for her children.

Civil Rights Icon H.K. Matthews on School Choice

Arizona mother Zabdy says the ESA program changed her children’s life!

AZ dad uses the ESA program to pay for his daughter to go to a Private Christian School with curriculum that makes him feel comfortable.

Nydia’s Success Story

Salima’s Success Story

Father Demands School Choice After Kids Start Failing From Distance Learning

Cardinal Dolan discusses Educational Choice and Justice with Campbell Brown

Black Leaders Unite at AZ Capitol

Laura’s ESA Story

Woods ESA Story

Tauheedah’s ESA Story

Charles ESA Story

American Federation for Children Arizona
American Federation for Children Arizona

Thank you for your interest in the AZ Universal ESA & School Choice! Please provide your email to receive a direct ESA application link in your inbox so one of our education advocates can reach out to you with support.


Gaby AFC Arizona School Choice

Community Outreach Manager

Esly AFC Arizona School Choice

Arizona Implementation Director